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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Chiltern Lodge No: 9394

The lodge was consecrated at Halsey Masonic Hall, Watford by RW Bro Godfrey Kent, the Provincial Grand Master on 10th December 1990, having been sponsored by West Hertfordshire Lodge No. 8207. 

A Banner  was discussed and agreed after many drawings were submitted by the brethren on what form it should take. Some were even amusing,  but the form of the Canal Lock (a reference the Grand Union Canal) with the Chiltern Hills in the background was accepted by the brethren and Provincial Grand Lodge with the names of the Founders embroidered around the edge.


The Banner Dedication was conducted on Monday 7th June 1993 by W Bro W C Thomas PSGD, Asst Provincial Grand Master, assisted by W Bro Rev A J Davey, Provincial Grand Chaplain and other Provincial Officers together with the Hertfordshire Provincial Choir and Brass Ensemble.

The banner emblem shows the westerly view of the Grand Union canal in Cassiobury Park, Watford with the lock gates shut. On the banner beyond the background to the gates is either a forest or green fields and on the founders badge in the centre background is a tree behind the Gore Mill Lane road bridge over the canal. As can be seen , rather strangely, the tree does not appear on the banner. To the left and right of the canal are the two masonic pillars on top of which are the world globe and the celestial globe. All of the above is set over the volume of the sacred law and the square pavement. In the centre at the top of the banner is a hart with very large antlers.

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