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Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Corinthian Lodge No: 7625

The first thoughts leading to the founding of the Corinthian Lodge arose following a meeting of Mark Master Masons in 1957. Several young masons has expressed their regrets that due to the size of their respective craft mother lodges, it appeared that there was little chance of attaining office. The support of several notable Hertfordshire masons was readily forthcoming and on 24th February 1959 the Corinthian Lodge was consecrated. The lodge crest shows the capital of the corinthian column, which denotes beauty, with the square and compasses above surrounded by a black circle within which is the lodge name and number in gold lettering.
The first banner was designed and made by Bro.Vivian Felgate and his twin sons who were the first members to be Initiated after the consecration. The twins presented the banner which was dedicated on 16th November 1960. ing of 8th March 2023.
This original banner is stored by the lodge. A second banner which is an exact copy of the first was dedicated at the golden jubilee meeting on 20th January 2010.
The lodge was erased at the Grand Lodge meeting of 8th March 2023
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