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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Godfrey Kent Lodge No: 9375

The lodge was founded as a result of a group of like minded brethren, mainly members of Royston Lodge, meeting over dinner after a meeting of Hertfordshire Masters' Lodge No. 4090. The membership of Royston exceeded seventy, it was supporting a large and active lodge of instruction, candidates were coming forward very quickly and the time required to reach the chair, was approaching twenty years.

It was decided to proceed with a foundation after checking that evening with the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Godfrey Kent, (Royston being his mother lodge), that he approved and would give permission for his name to be used, subject to Grand Lodge approval. Subsequently after approval the lodge was consecrated on 3rd November 1990. Many of the founders were Hertfordshire residents whose masonic careers had been conducted in London, Cambridgeshire or other Provinces, so broadening masonic activity in Royston, and Herts, without diluting the membership of Royston lodge. The moated house depicted on the banner is the home of the then, Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Godfrey Kent. The moat itself dates back to an Iron Age Fort which still shows a broken rampart of earth around its rim. The house is surrounded by arable fields in which are grown corn and wheat, ears of which are superimposed on the crest in allusion to Godfrey Kent being a farmer. The relevance of the ear of corn coupled with the water in the moat needs no further explanation for all masons.


The banner was dedicated 21st January 2002.

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