Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Romanum Lodge No: 8758
As a result of a discussion of various members meeting at Ashwell House under the chairmanship of W. Bro Bob Cook, General Manager of Ashwell House, it was decided to form a lodge for London masons using the name Londinium. Grand Lodge would not agree to this name and it was decided to use a local name ‘Romanum', St. Albans being a roman city. There were so many prospective founders, that two Lodges were formed; one, Gorhambury Lodge No: 8745, the other Romanum Lodge No: 8758. The Romanum lodge was consecrated on 14th October, 1977.
The lodge banner has the masonic pillars and the inner part depicts the Roman Wall of Verulamium, part of which still exists. The motto is "Finis Coronat Opus" which translates as "The end crowns the work" or more loosely "The end justifies the means". The banner was dedicated on 1st December, 2015.