Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

A Middlesex Lodge, on the occasion of the celebration of its golden jubilee, decided to try to form a Royal Arch Chapter. The jubilee committee found insufficient support for a Chapter, but as many of its members lived in Hertfordshire, they decided to form a craft Lodge at Radlett. An informal meeting at Williams Way, Radlett in June 1976 confirmed sufficient support. The founders were, in the main, drawn from three lodges. Harrow Weald No. 5194, from Middlesex, celebrating its Jubilee, Helio No. 3900, from London working West End ritual, which was adopted for the new Lodge, and the third Lodge was the sponsoring Lodge from Hertfordshire, Kingswood No. 2278. The lodge was consecrated by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Guy M Halsey at the Rose Walk, Radlett on 10th November, 1977
The name Rosewood was partly derived from the name of the sponsoring lodge Kingswood and partly from the address of the Radlett Centre the Rose Walk. The banner was dedicated in 1987 on the tenth anniversary of the Lodge.
The central emblem is a simple wild red rose. The five petals of the rose represent the five points of fellowship and the five leaves represent the five orders of architecture. The colours chosen have been selected to represent life in all its extremes; gold for the sun, green indicating peace and tranquillity, blue for the sky and red for life’s blood. At the top of the banner is a representation of the "All-seeing eye".