Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Royal and Select Masters in Hertfordshire
Royal and Select Masters - A brief history

The Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters in England and Wales was established in 1873 under a Patent from the Grand Council of the State of New York. The early days were somewhat problematical and of the twenty-five Councils confirmed or consecrated between the English Grand Council’s Formation and January 1900, eleven had been removed from the Roll or had surrendered their warrants.
By 1945 a number of Councils had been consecrated during the intervening period the latest with the number 54. The organisation during this period and indeed up until 1996 was based on Divisions which covered very large geographic areas and were overseen by a Divisional Grand Inspector assisted by a Divisional Grand Recorder.
The County of Hertfordshire was part of a large Division covering Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Hertfordshire and known as East Anglia Division (This was split in 1989 into two Divisions and became East Anglia Division and Essex & Hertfordshire Division). There were at this time no R&SM Councils in Hertfordshire.
There were, however, a number of Masons living in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire who were already senior members of the Order and who belonged to Councils in London or elsewhere. A number of interested Masons joined University Council in Cambridge and regularly attended their meetings.
In 1977 certain of these Masons, became founders of the first Council in Hertfordshire. There are now 8 Councils within the district. The current councils are:
121 - Hertfordshire
135 - Willian
179 - Portal
215 - St Albans
233 - Roysia
247 - John Mortimer
318 - Ninth Arch
330 - Sæbeohrt
None of the councils currently have a banner although it has been suggested that they should and this may change.
For a more detailed explanation please click on the link to Royal and Select Masters Hertfordshire

In late 2002 the District Grand Master asked the then Deputy District Grand Master to undertake the task of designing a banner for the District, having it approved by the District Executive and Grand Council and arranging its production ready for dedication at the District Meeting in October 2003. A design was produced which was happily accepted by the DGM and those mentioned above and a beautiful banner was produced and this is still in use today.
The District Standard is kept at the current District Grand Standard Bearer’s House and is rolled up in a heavy duty protective cylinder for transport to meetings. Whereas it is shaped and supported similar to a normal craft Banner, it is termed in this degree as a Standard. The Standard was designed and organised by Colin Thurston and was financed from District funds. It shows the Crowned Triangle, the emblem of the Order enclosing a Hart together with other applicable emblems.