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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Sawbridgworth Lodge No: 5110
It was from the lodge of instruction meetings at the Fawbert and Barnard Library at Sawbridgeworth attended by brethren of a number of lodges from the surrounding district that the lodge was founded and consecrated at Great Queen Street, on 29th May 1929. The first meetings were held in the Fawbert and Barnard Library, the smallest lodge room in the province until 5th April 1932, when the present temple in Sawbridgworth, was dedicated. In 1931, Sir Edmund Barnard who was a founder of the Sawbridgeworth Lodge and was Chairman of the Hertfordshire County Council died and his residence in The Fair Green was offered for sale. 
W. Bro Bryan Nockolds, in collaboration with Bros. Sir Walter Lawrence and B T Rice Pyle,  purchased Fair Green House with the stables which had been converted into a library with a flat above, sold the house to a local doctor and retained the library and flat for the Lodge.

Sir Walter Lawrence's firm which was then erecting the new Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen Street superintended the building. One of the two test doors made from West African wood for Freemasons' Hall was given to the lodge and is used as the entrance door to the temple. A stone from the old Freemasons' Hall in London is now used as the rough ashlar.


The central part of the banner crest represents the Sawbridgeworth bridge and the Hart Couchant represents Hertfordshire.


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