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Societas Rosecruciana in Anglia (Hertfordshire)

Societas Rosecruciana in Anglia (SRIA)

The SRIA is an independent Christian Society. All its members being Master Masons of Lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England or a jurisdiction in amity with Grand Lodge and who accept and believe in the fundamental principles of the Trinitarian Christian faith. A candidate is required to be proposed and seconded by members of the Society and elected by ballot.



ROBERT EDWIN ROWLAND COLLEGE No 62, The Gables Hall, 132 Wing Road, Linslade, Beds, LU7 2NN

ST ALBAN THE MARTYR COLLEGE No 74, Ashwell House, 167 Verulam Road, St Albans, Herts. AL3 4DW


Neither of the Colleges has a banner


For further details of the order please see their web-site here









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