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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

St Stephens Lodge No: 8468

Bishops Hatfield Lodge No. 6893 was the Sponsoring Lodge. The name St. Stephen's is taken from the ancient Church, not far from the meeting place of the Lodge, Ashwell House, St. Albans. West End ritual is followed. The lodge was consecrated on 4th January, 1973.


The banner was dedicated 31st October 1981 and shows St Stephen’s Church. It is taken from an original drawing by the late W. Bro Bob Cook, PAGStdB, and was painted by Mrs. Avis, wife of the First Treasurer. The banner was embroidered by two ladies from Norfolk, both in their eighties and they insisted that they receive no payment. It took a year to complete as the two ladies both had poor eyesight and could only sew by daylight.



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